breast cancerSupporting the fight against

The first checkup depends on you

Early Detection Saves Lives
VUMI® is with you in this fight
CWith a team available 24/7, extensive coverage and unique benefits, VUMI® is with all our insureds in their fight against breast cancer: from detection, diagnosis and treatment. Count on VUMI for:
  • Medical Concierge VIP Services for patients
  • Access to the top cancer hospitals in the U.S.
  • Medical coordination with a Human-centric approach

Plans that support the fight against breast cancer

Our plans have extensive coverage for oncology services:

  • Cancer risk reduction or prophylactic surgery
  • Tests, treatments (chemotherapy and/or radiology), medications*
  • Preventive medical check-ups, including mammography

*To learn more about our plans and benefits, please contact your insurance agent.

Visit our Blog

Find articles with information about breast cancer in our blog.


Why is international health insurance an important weapon in the fight against breast cancer?

Facing a cancer diagnosis is one of the most challenging situations a family can experience. Early detection

Breast cancer myths and facts

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Each year, VUMI® joins in this World Health Organization (WHO) initiative with its award winning